AimSign Blog
News and Information from Aim Sign Company

March 2025
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TV Interview
Filed under: General, Sign Codes
Posted by: @ 10:29 am

Our company president was recently inteviewed in regard to Garden City’s sign code:

KIVI Channel 6 Interview

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Specialty Painting
Filed under: Manufacturing
Posted by: @ 10:18 am

We enjoy the opportunity to exceed our customer’s expectations when it comes to applying difficult finishes. In this post we show how 3 colors were combined and then hand applied to create a patina finish. Using a sponge to apply shades of red, orange, and brown, we created a patina pattern on a simulated leaf.

We then expoxied the aluminum leafs to the surface of a routed dibond “branch”, and applied an orange vinyl outline. The end result is a branch with patina leaves that matched our customer’s logo perfectly.

And here it is integrated with the completed illuminated pan channel letters:

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Solar Powered Sign
Filed under: Case Study
Posted by: @ 10:14 am

Aim Sign Company recently completed a sign project that we believe is the first of it’s kind in SW Idaho! By integrating solar panels and energy efficient LED lighting in the sign design, we saved our customer the expense of running a new branch circuit to a remote location, as well as a monthly utility bill.

We knew that keeping the sign lit for at least 4 hours at night during the darker winter months was going to be a challenge. After careful research and calculations, we found the optimal combination of battery storage and solar panel output to make this project a reality. The sign includes a timer circuit that uses the solar panels to sense dusk and dawn throughout the year, and then illuminates the sign for up to 3 hours before/after.

If you’re considering a sign installation but having difficulty getting power to the location, Solar technology might be a good option for you to consider. Contact us for a free consultation and Return On Investment analysis.

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Considering an LED Message Center?
Filed under: Electronic Message Centers
Posted by: @ 9:32 am

Using an Electronic Message Center to reach the customers that are passing by you every day can be a very cost-effective advertising decision. When compared to other advertising mediums, message centers have a very low cost per impression and you control their content 24/7. Here are some guidelines to follow when considering an EMC:

  1. Viewing Distance - conduct a traffic survey to determine how long your sign will be visible. Based upon factors such as sign height and the speed limit, the required “pitch” of the display can be determined. Measured in millimeters, the smaller the number the closer together the LEDs are placed. Lower pitch numbers will produce higher resolution images, and will increase the cost.    

  2. Monochrome vs Color - depending upon the type of message you will display, a single color (red or amber) may be a good choice for conveying simple text-based messages. However, if you would prefer to display eye-catching photos of products or import custom graphics, then a color unit would be the best choice. A monochrome unit will be less expensive.

  3. City Code - some jurisdictions have placed severe restrictions on the usage of EMCs that control the size, length of message time, and operating hours. These restrictions will likely have an impact on your choice.

  4. Content - it is very important to keep updated information displayed on your message center. Think about promotions, specials, community events, and signing up to receive amber alerts. Most EMC software will allow you to schedule messages to appear at only certain dates and times, so you can develop your ideas in advance.

  5. Budget - getting options for both color and monochrome in different sizes will help to establish a good basis for you to compare against. Of course, the more attention your sign attracts the better your results will be. The Small Business Administration has determined revenue increases exceeding 75% for some users of EMCs !


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Garden City Sign Code
Filed under: Sign Codes
Posted by: @ 10:30 am

Any property owner or business in Garden City, ID should take note of ongoing discussions by the City Council to replace the current sign code. The current draft of the code, although somewhat improved from last year, still has some serious issues that businesses should be concerned about:

Page 8:  Establishes a “Distinctive Materials” clause that can be used to limit the usage of illumination

Page 16:  Business in certain locations must turn-off lighting to the sign after 10PM

Page 19:  Highly restrictive size allowances.

Page 23:  Newly developed or altered multi-tenant properties will need to submit a “Master Sign Program” subject to a design review process.

Page 25:  For existing signs that do not conform to the new regulations, certain improvements to the property may force the signs to be brought into compliance with the new code. This means that your lawfully permitted sign may be declared illegal if you remodel your storefront by more than 25%

City council hearing is set for 9/27 at 6PM. Please plan on attending or call a council member to voice your concern.

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Papa Murphy’s Remodel
Filed under: General
Posted by: @ 12:22 pm

When the Papa Murphy’s at Fairview/Cole needed a quick remodel for an upcoming CEO visit, they trusted the experts at Aim Sign to provide the necessary signage and awning fabrication. The result is an attractive storefront and a very satisfied customer:


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Saving $$ on Energy Costs
Filed under: General, Energy Efficiency
Posted by: @ 6:44 pm

Want to get paid for upgrading your sign? Many power companies offer Incentive Payments when you upgrade your existing sign to make use of energy efficient technology. Just take a look at how Aim Sign Company helped Snake River Yamaha:

   Time and Temperature Display

 New LED Message Center

Not only can Snake River Yamaha now display custom messages using their new LED Electronic Message Center, they got paid for the upgrade

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